Improve your sex drive through this 52 week path.
This is week 2 of Unlock Your Libido:  52-week Sex Drive Transformation.  Read this introductory post to see what it’s all about.

If we, as wives with low sexual interest, continue to use our own judgment (based on our physical nature) for what makes a strong marriage, we will end up unfulfilled and living without the complete cemented bond of marriage.
Let’s release OUR ideas and embrace God’s.  Let’s release our old notion of sex drive.  Let’s follow Christ’s words that in losing our life to serve Him, we will gain far more than our OWN judgment would ever bring us.  Serving Christ includes doing everything in our power to enhance our marriage and allowing God to bring it into alignment with his view.
Week 2: Scripture Key
“If you grasp and cling to life on your terms, you’ll lose it. 
But, if you let that life go, you’ll get life on God’s terms,”
Luke 17:33 (the message).
“Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it,”
Luke 17:33 (NIV).
Positive Thought

I will cling to a new, enhanced version of my libido.  I will cling to the idea that frequent sexual relations will create a deep seated bond with my husband.  I will cling to a positive sexual energy towards my husband.  I will cling to the knowledge that sexual intimacy is God-ordained.
Low libido wife, your sex drive is in there! You just have to unlock it. Here is week 1 of a 52 week journey toward feeling spicier! Ramp up your desire and enjoy sexual intimacy with your husband.

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