Just a quick little thought I ran across and wanted to share with you all…….From the Daily Mail UK online’s author, Anna Hodgekiss:


The lips are packed with nerve endings, 100 times more than the fingertips.

‘As a result, kissing kick-starts multiple mechanisms in the brain, releasing chemicals that lower stress and boost mood,’ says Dr. Ghosh.

‘You’ll have much better sex if you kiss before intercourse,’ says Dr. Ghosh.

It increases levels of the pleasure hormones and will make you a lot more receptive to what happens later.  ‘That’s why loving sex can be more satisfying than a quickie, and that endorphin hit from dopamine is especially important for women.’ “*

Kiss through the day to fire up your engine.

The statement, ‘will make you a lot more receptive,’ was intriguing to me.

Low-libido ladies, make an effort to smooch during the day.  See what happens and let me know!

For more thoughts on kissing see J @hotholyhumorous;

A Little Instruction for the Kiss


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*Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031498/Sex-Why-makes-women-fall-love–just-makes-men-want-MORE.html#ixzz2XEvDbKhq 

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